Recycling bins in open spaces
Yes, you can now recycle glass, cans, paper and cardboard and some plastics when you are outdoors and enjoying the great sites that Hobsons Bay has to offer.
Council is installing a new three-bin system into our most popular parks, reserves and beaches.
A total of 200 bins are being installed across 13 locations with general rubbish, mixed recycling and glass recycling bins at each location.
An initiative from the Council's Waste and Litter Management Strategy 2025, the rollout of the three-bins system seeks to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill.
We know that the majority of waste collected in our open spaces is from drinking beverages such as cans and plastic and glass bottles so rather than see all of this waste go to landfill, the three-bin system helps us recycle, repurpose and remake new products.
We know that initially there will be some waste contamination in the recycling bins, so to minimise the contamination and decrease our landfill waste, once the bins are installed, we will be asking for feedback on the usability of the bins and the messages on the bins.
We will also be seeking community input into developing principles for the location of these bins in our activity and retail centres. If you would like to be kept informed of when this survey opens click the 'follow' button in the top left hand side of the page.