Community Local Law 2025
Review and submit any other comments or ideas that will assist Council in drafting the new Community Local Law.
Review and submit any other comments or ideas that will assist Council in drafting the new Community Local Law.
Help shape Council’s 2025-29 Domestic Animal Management Plan
Share your thoughts on the Forrest Street pop-up!
Have your say on Victoria's 2026-30 Climate Change Strategy.
Have your say on the State Government's draft strategy and proposed recommendations.
Help Shape the Future of Walking and Cycling in Altona Meadows and Seabrook
An outdoor space for young people in Altona North
We are upgrading the public realm at Eames Avenue strip shops to make it more inviting and attractive
A Commercially Operated Share Scheme Policy has been drafted to set out the requirements for e-scooter share schemes and accompanying e-bike schemes.
Learn more about the Better Places Spotswood and South Kingsville Place Guide and projects!
Learn more about the Better Places Laverton Place Guide and projects!
Learn more about the Better Places Seabrook and Altona Meadows Place Guide and projects!
Learn more about the Better Places Brooklyn and Altona North Place Guide and projects!
We’re seeking your input on several projects that are helping to shape the upgrade of Altona Beach Precinct.
We’re updating our Tourism Strategy to help shape the Hobsons Bay visitor economy over the next 5 years.
Council is calling for nominations for a Williamstown Mechanics Institute Community Reference Group
This strategy provides guidance on the redevelopment of industrial land.
Council’s efforts to prevent and reduce harm from alcohol
An exciting project within the Better Places Spotswood & South Kingsville program is Pop Up Community Spaces.
We are upgrading Leo Hoffmann Reserve to enhance your experience of this space.
We’re designing a walking and cycling connection between Brooklyn and Altona Gate Shopping Centre.
Council is currently reviewing its Events and Festivals Plan. Tell us what you love about events and festivals in Hobsons Bay, and what you’d like to see more of.
We are planning future upgrades in the Williamstown Foreshore precinct and want to know what you would like to see included.
You can help shape Council’s budget for the next financial year. The Proposed Annual Budget 2024/25 is now open for you to view and provide feedback.
Inform a masterplan and assist in developing future resourcing plans.
Do you have a great, community focused idea for Council to deliver?
Help shape the future of the arts in Hobsons Bay
We are working together with the Victorian Government, and Williamstown Swimming and Life Saving Club and Life Saving Victoria to deliver the Club redevelopment.
Reconciliation is everyone's business. Join the conversation, and let's ensure the journey we continue together is grounded in fairness, respect and trust.
Hobsons Bay City Council (Council) is committed to open spaces that improve community health and wellbeing, encourage sustainable living and restore biodiversity.
Design works for the closed section of Pier Street, including an extended footpath through to Railway Street South.
Hobsons Bay City Council is calling for applications for a Women’s Advisory Group
Council is seeking community input to the naming of the newly built pavilion as part of the H.C Kim reserve re-development.
The theme for this Centre is 'Video Games and Board Games', and we are inviting you to vote on your favourite name!
People's Choice Award
The Empowered to Lead Program will help women achieve their full potential and make a difference in their community.
Have your say on proposed new protections being created by the state government to protect Melbourne's creeks and rivers for the future.
Calling all gamers and game lovers! Are you a chess champion, marvelous at monopoly, or first-class at Fortnite? Altona North Library wants to hear from you.
Get involved and help shape the way we look after public assets in Hobsons Bay
Get involved in the development of the McCormack Park Master Plan today.
Engage Victoria wants to know how your Maternal and Child Health Service can better support your family and child’s needs.
Participate in the design of a new play space and picnic area for Pipeline Reserve, Seabrook
Better Places Seabrook & Altona Meadows
The Victorian Government is envisioning a new future for our cities, suburbs, towns, and regions.
Council wants to hear from you to determine how we can create a more inclusive community.
To proceed with the next phase of Master Plan implementation we’d like to know if there are any further comments or questions about the Master Plan
Get involved in Stage 3 Dennis Reserve Master Plan Implementation, the construction of a new multipurpose facility.
Local Government Victoria is seeking your views on the development of a Model Councillor Code of Conduct and mandatory training for councillors, mayors and deputy mayors.
This project is part of the Greening the Pipeline initiative.
Help shape the place you live in
Hobsons Bay City Council is calling for nominations for the 2024 Hobsons Bay Pride Community Liaison Group
Take a look at the final plans for the upgrade
Learn more about Council's Outdoor Trading Framework.
Green Streets is a Hobsons Bay City Council initiative that seeks to create healthy neighbourhoods through the provision of quality tree canopy cover.
Expressions of interest open
Help shape the Hobsons Bay Western Aquatic and Early Years Centre
View the ideas supported by Council
A Public Realm Revitalisation is being developed for the Woods and Lohse St precinct to upgrade the space for community needs.
Council has commenced the Hudsons Road Streetscape Master Plan project which is an outcome of Better Places Spotswood and South Kingsville report.
We are analysing transport safety issues on Maddox Road between Mason Street and Railway Parade in Newport.
Expression of interest is now open for a community liaison group.
Have your say on the Biodiversity Strategy 2024 - 2034
Updating the Economic development strategy to create a positive economic environment for businesses and people who visit, live and work in Hobsons Bay
Help us improve our Maternal Child Health Nurse services
Be part of shaping the gambling harm policy in Hobsons Bay.
Have your say on Council’s approach to increasing the supply of Affordable Housing in Hobsons Bay.
Enhancing the streetscape, image, and road safety of Aviation Road.
Expressions of interest now open for the Brooklyn Community Hall Operations liaison group.
Eight community parks in Laverton are being updated. Each of these parks are unique.
Upgrading Mary Street Reserve to improve the character and recreational opportunities in the local area, and deal with the increasing demands of the future.
Provide feedback on proposed actions that address traffic and transport issues in Altona North, Brooklyn, Williamstown North, Newport, Spotswood and South Kingsville.
The policy sets out the procedures to be applied by Council during the election period for a general election.
Have your say Hobsons Bay! Tell us how you best engage with us.
Council has prepared a Proposed Annual Budget for the financial year commencing 1 July 2023 and it is now open for Public Exhibition
Reimagining our key industrial precincts towards a more sustainable and resilient economy
We are wanting to hear if you like the new trees planted along the Skeleton Creek & Bay Trail in Altona Meadows.
Lets chat about toilets in Hobsons Bay
View the draft play space strategy and tell us what you think
A planning scheme amendment to implement the Newport Structure Plan and Inner Newport Heritage Gap Study
Have your say on the redevelopment concept design for Brooklyn Community Hall.
The Community Solar Program is an extension of Council’s Large-Scale Solar installation program which includes installing solar panels on more than 40 Council buildings
Our draft Road Management Plan 2021 is available on public exhibition
Council has prepared a Proposed Annual Budget for the financial year commencing 1 July 2022 and it is now open for Public Exhibition and comment
Amendment C134 proposes to correct zoning, overlay and text anomalies within the Hobsons Bay Planning Scheme to ensure it is up to date.
Road safety improvements and shared trail
Help us reimagine Newport Park
Share your feedack on the concept plan to improve recreational opportunities in the local area
Amendment C114 proposes to rezone industrial land in South Kingsville to support new residential development
Delivering a healthy and resilient urban forest
Closing the loop on the W.J Irwin in Altona North park upgrade.
Application period for EOI is now closed
Road safety improvements and shared trail
Community ideas chosen by you
How can Council help you to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
Community Park Development Project
Help us create a community heart in the western section of the municipality.
Read about community consultation on the draft Design Guidelines for the Epsom Street Affordable Housing Project
The Leasing and Licensing Policy 2022-30 has been developed to ensure there are clear guidelines and processes for occupancy of Council owned or managed property.
We invite you to have your say and share your interest in the development of a community garden in Brooklyn Reserve.
Council will be upgrading the playground, installing new seating and improving the pathways and landscaping throughout W.L.J Crofts Reserve in Altona North
Improvements for Safer and Active Travelling on Merton Street, Altona Meadows.
Improving safety for people walking and riding on Ferguson Street.
Suggest a name for the PJ Lynch Reserve Box Lacrosse Court
Digman Reserve play space final concept design
Optimising our places and spaces to provide access to opportunities, resources, and experiences alongside excellent customer service.
Strategically aligning Council's property portfolio with service delivery objectives and community need
Get involved today and help shape G.J Hosken Reserve.
Council is excited to share the final concept design for the Altona Safe Boat Harbour
We are overhauling our public bins throughout the municipality, view changes to services, bin locations and types of waste bins available in public spaces.
We're seeking to refresh our Landscape Design Guidelines, which provide guidance for residents and developers looking to prepare landscape plans
Council is looking provide a safe cycling route along Victoria Street, Williamstown
Help 'future proof ' Newport Lakes
The Council Plan 2021-25 will incorporate what matters most to the community and include the priorities Council will focus on over this four year period
Road safety improvements and links for pedestrians and cyclists
Help shape Council’s 2021-25 Domestic Animal Management Plan
Help us revitalise the park and playground at MacLean Reserve
An opportunity to learn more about various projects in Laverton
Council is reviewing the Mayoral and Councillor allowances in accordance with Section 74(1) of the Local Government Act 1989.
Public exhibition of the Proposed Annual Budget 2020-21
If you are a non-English seaker, you can call Hobsons Bay interpreter service for free on:
Our friendly customer service call centre is open Monday to Friday 8.30am - 5pm to assist with all enquiries
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