Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the future of walking and cycling in Seabrook and Altona Meadows. We will be back soon with draft plans.

Project summary

We are seeking community feedback to help shape concept plans for The Mainlines, a new network of walking and cycling corridors connecting Altona Meadows and Seabrook to key transport hubs.


The Mainlines project is a key action from the Better Places guide for Seabrook and Altona Meadows, focusing on improving active transport options in the area. This initiative aims to create a comprehensive walking and cycling network that allows residents and commuters to move safely and efficiently across the suburbs by developing two major north-south corridors and secondary east-west linkages.

Project aims

  • Create two primary north-south walking and cycling corridors along key routes such as Point Cook Road, Fitzroy Street, and the Skeleton Creek Trail.
  • Develop secondary linkages to ensure easy access to key local destinations.
  • Incorporate safety measures such as protected cycle lanes, raised intersections, and improved pedestrian crossings.
  • Integration of landscaping and greenery to enhance the user experience.
  • Wayfinding signage following our Wayfinding Standard.

Project future

Following community consultation, the feedback collected will inform the development of concept plans. The completed plan will guide future infrastructure investment and upgrades, ensuring a safe and accessible active transport network for years to come.

This consultation focuses specifically on The Mainlines walking and cycling corridors. A separate project is underway in a

nearby area—please refer to Point Cook Rd and Central Ave Intersection Upgrade - Victoria’s Big Build

for details if you are looking to provide feedback on that project.