Final designs

MacLean Reserve in Williamstown is due for a full upgrade later this year. In August and September 2020, Council sought feedback from local residents, the St Mary’s Primary School community and the Williamstown Primary School community to better understand what they value about MacLean Reserve and its significance in the community.

Feedback gathered helped to create detailed concept plans for the park upgrade. From here, we checked in with the community again to understand if they were happy with the park designs.

We would like to thank everyone for their contributions and interest in the MacLean Reserve park upgrade.

Final designs

The final designs include a new play space, a picnic shelter, new footpaths, seating, tables, soft landscaping including garden beds and new mature tree plantings and a new irrigation system. Click here to view the final designs or download a copy from the Document Library.

When will works take place?

The upgrade is scheduled to start in early November 2021 and be completed early in 2022, subject to weather conditions.

Following the upgrade works, the site will remain closed to allow the new plantings and grassed areas to establish before the reserve reopens to the community. The existing mature trees will be retained and protected during construction works.

For more information including construction updates, visit