

12 October 2018

March 2011 - July 2012

Bowls site vacated. Submissions received - tennis, community garden and propagation space.

July 2012

Ladies Bowling Club amalgamates with Men's Bowling Club and vacates site. Pavilion open for casual use by local groups.

June 2013

Inspection of Ladies Bowling Club pavilion reveals non-compliance with standards for community use. Pavilion closed for public

July/August 2013

Petition received (187 signatures) requesting Ladies Bowling club site incorporated with reserve as passive open space. Petition acknowledge and registered at Ordinary Council Meeting.

12 November 2013

Ordinary Council Meeting acknowledgement of submissions and petition. Public consultation process endorsed.

December 2013 Public Consultation period

'Have your say on the former bowls site' - 214 submission received.

Toilet upgraded at the site.

March 2014

Presentation to Councillors by 3 submitters; open space, community gardens, and tennis.

January - October 2014

Review of submissions, investigations and analysis.

Williamstown senior citizen building has a structural engineering and geotechnical reports undertaken. Extent of structural issues identified.

November 2014

Working group established with users of the Seniors Building.

12 May 2015

Ordinary Council Meeting. Report tabled with recommendation for the development of a draft master plan for Dennis Reserve, with a strong focus on community involvement and input into the creation of this document that is endorsed by the community.

July 2015 the Dennis Reserve Master Plan working group established

The working group is established to engage with interested stakeholder groups to assist Council by making a recommendation on the future use of the former WLBC site and the plans for Dennis Reserve. Seven working group meetings were conducted with breaks prior to the 2016 Council elections, and to allow time for the completion of the Hobsons Bay Open Space Strategy, Sports Facility Needs Analysis.