

5 July 2018

What is the vision for Newport?

The vision for Newport is to ensure new development reinforces the village scale and heritage; supports economic growth through improved streetscapes, local parks and open space; and improved accessibility.

"The Newport Activity Centre will build on its intrinsic village charm and character, while recognising the importance and influence of major infrastructure as part of its urban fabric. Quality built form and public realm improvements will provide the key ingredients. Buildings will comprise a mix of heritage and mid-rise contemporary architecture which interprets and responds to Newport’s heritage and industrial context. Well-designed streets, plazas, and public areas will stitch together scattered spaces, and provide a bridge between place and infrastructure needs."

The vision for Newport is conveyed through themes, objectives, strategies and actions.

Key themes

For this round of consultation we will focus on five themes established through previous community and stakeholder consultation to guide future urban renewal of Newport:

  • Identity

  • Land use and activity

  • Built form and heritage

  • Public realm and open space

  • Access and movement

These themes will inform future planning policy, priority projects for Newport (e.g. planting, lighting or shared spaces) and identify advocacy actions.

The Draft Newport Structure Plan is divided into 5 chapters. We have divided it below to make it easier to navigate. Proposed building heights, development sites and other actions can be viewed in chapter 4.