Community consultation occurred between 22nd May and 2nd July 2023, for the Industrial Land Management Strategy and Design Guidelines

The community engagement process

Below is a snapshot of the community engagement activities and promotions. Please note- this report is best viewed on desktop or horizontally on mobile.

Snapshot of submissions and feedback from industry, developers, landowners and government agencies

  • Overall, feedback from industry was supportive of the vision and objectives set out in the Industrial Land Management Strategy, the future focus for each industrial precinct and the key industry sectors that Council propose to target

  • Most industry stakeholders and landowners were supportive of the idea of rezoning industrial land to allow for new industries to emerge that are not directly tied to the petrochemical or petroleum refining industry. It was felt that where possible a standard industrial zoning could be applied, to reflect the change in the petrochemical industry and unlock land for new jobs and economic activity

  • A number of industry stakeholders felt however that it was also important that any rezoning of land did not allow for the further encroachment of sensitive uses into industrial areas, in a way that would further inhibit or impact on industrial operations. The timing and implementation of the Buffer Area Overly (BAO) planning tool was raised, and it was felt that the application of a BAO would be important to protect community as well as industry

  • A number of industry stakeholders highlighted future plans for warehouse style developments on their sites

  • A number of industry submissions raised concerns with new landscaping requirements and canopy tree targets within the IDG, suggesting they may restrict industrial operations

Survey results

We asked the community what best described their interest in the project and Hobsons Bay:

Please note: 67 respondents provided an answer for this question, 0 respondents skipped this question.

Approximately 76% of people who responded to the online survey and interactive map identified as ‘residents’ or ‘community members’ of Hobsons Bay

The below graph shows the breakdown by interest category.


We asked the community if they agreed with Council’s Vision for the future of Hobsons Bay’s industrial precincts:

Please note: 66 respondents provided an answer for this question, 1 respondent skipped this question.

The below graph shows the response breakdown by level of agreement.


A small selection of the comments we received:

  • This all sounds good but is broad and does not really address some of the issues we currently face. Noise and air pollution from business already producing greenhouse gases. There are few jobs in HobsonsBay bay for university educated workers. Many have to leave to travel for work.

  • Councils need to lead from the front in terms of climate change policies. Our local region is extremely vulnerable to the negative impacts of climate change that has an impact on our quality of life ranging from beaches to migrating birds to the fact that the west of Melbourne is hotter and has less trees than the east of Melbourne. Hobsons Bay is a beautiful location and we need to ensure that the industrial precincts which are an essential part of our community diversity do not diminish this.

  • We need to move away from industry of the past. Altona is a changing community in which the coastline aspect must be protected and sustainable industry needs to be at the forefront of any rezoning.

  • I agree with everything except circular economy point. I don't want industries that emit toxic fumes from all plastic recycling or burning. Metal recycling is fine. All plastic and synthetix hydrocarbon industries must be away from city. Thanks for considering the point. Hobsons Bay should be hightech manufacturing hub

  • In terms of considering ecological diversity and natural heritage values there is no specific recognition of remnant grassland and the necessity to preserve this diminishing habitat. It is broadly a statement advocating development.

We asked the community if they agreed with Council’s Objectives for the future of Hobsons Bay’s industrial precincts:

Please note: 66 respondents provided an answer for this question, 1 respondent skipped this question.

The below graph shows the response breakdown by level of agreement.


A small selection of the comments we received:

  • Sounds positive for local economic growth. Green spaces need to be a priority. They need to be big,well managed, and self sustaining. If they are all these industries will only benefit.

  • I strongly agree with objective 3. The guidelines are an opportunity for Hobsons Bay to become an environmental leader, focused on the diversity of Hobsons Bays existing environmental/biodiversity assets which make it unique in Melbourne. Protecting and enhancing these assets is essential if Hobsons Bay is to become a genuine environmental leader.

  • Community impact should be prioritised over economic growth. Not balanced against economic growth. If a community is healthy, supported and happy, it will grow economically regardless.

  • How many industry jobs are actually worked by locals? I would rather see commercial opportunities rather than more industry. Make Hobsons bay more of a place you want to visit rather than scaring people off with massive investments in industry.

  • Strongly agree because Hobsons Bay has so much to offer and needs a greater variety of businesses to attract greater employment and amenities to the area.

We asked the community if they would like to provide feedback on specific industrial precincts in Hobsons Bay:

Please note: 65 respondents provided an answer for this question, 2 respondents skipped this question. Below shows the breakdown of the precincts chosen.

Altona Industrial Precinct:

We asked the community if they agreed with various aspects for this precinct:

The below graph shows the response and aspect breakdown by level of agreement.

Altona Industrial Precinct level of agreement graph

Altona North Industrial Precinct:

We asked the community if they agreed with various aspects for this precinct:

The below graph shows the response and aspect breakdown by level of agreement.

Altona North Industrial Precinct level of agreement graph

Brooklyn Industrial Precinct:

We asked the community if they agreed with various aspects for this precinct:

The below graph shows the response and aspect breakdown by level of agreement.

Brooklyn Industrial Precinct level of agreement graph

Spotswood Industrial Precinct:

We asked the community if they agreed with various aspects for this precinct:

The below graph shows the response and aspect breakdown by level of agreement.

Spotswood Industrial Precinct level of agreement graph

Williamstown North Industrial Precinct:

We asked the community if they agreed with various aspects for this precinct:

The below graph shows the response and aspect breakdown by level of agreement.

Williamstown North Industrial Precinct level of agreement graph

We asked the community to drop a pin and provide a site-specific comment relating to the draft strategy or guidelines using an interactive map.

Please note: We had 29 responses on this map. Use the map below to view some of the comments.