The play space at W.L.J Crofts Reserve in Altona North is due to be upgraded to the standards of other Local Play Spaces across Hobsons Bay in early 2022.
As a first step, Council would like to hear from the local community who currently use or may be future users of the play space to better understand what types of equipment and features, furniture and landscaping they would like to see in the upgraded play space and surrounds.
Share your feedback below by Friday 28 May 2021 to help Council shape the concept design of the park for further comments from the community.
Hobsons Bay City Council has partnered with the Victorian Government to deliver a package of improvements to its sporting facilities and recreational spaces in areas near to the West Gate Tunnel Project (WGTP). One of the reserves identified for the improvements is W.L.J. Crofts Reserve in Altona North.
The improvement plan includes:
- a new combined pavilion to house the Williamstown Superules Football Club, the Western Jets Football Club, the Altona North Cricket Club and the Agility Dog Club of Victoria
- new family friendly (unisex) change rooms and toilets
- the redevelopment of the northern playing fields to create two football/crickets ovals
- new cricket practice nets
- improved landscaping and play space facilities
Works have been staged over a three year period. Construction of the pavilion and car park are already underway. The redevelopment of the northern playing fields are nearing completion in mid-2021. The new cricket practice nets are completed and will be open to the public in mid-2021.
The final package of works to commence are the open space upgrades which includes an upgrade to the play space and surrounds.
Have your say
Let us know your thoughts on the type of play equipment and style of play space that should be installed, along with along with any other furniture and pathway inclusions you would like to see in this space!
Feedback and comments received will help Council shape the concept design of the park for further comments from the community.
Share your feedback by
- completing the feedback survey (online or return a hard copy postcard) to ensure we have captured your thoughts on what the park and playground should include
- submit further comments to the project team by emailing or phone 1300 179 944