Get involved today!
We are seeking expressions of interest from members of the Laverton community to participate in the Love Laverton Focus Group. Get involved now and help create the Laverton vision that reflects local community values, ideas and priorities now and into the future.
The Better Places program has been developed by Hobsons Bay City Council to provide a more holistic and integrated approach to thinking about designing for change for the future. Better Places aims to actively involve the local community in the process of shaping the place that you live. Helping to create a vision that not only reflects local community values, ideas and priorities and aims to provide practical ideas and clear steps towards turning the vision into real improvements into the future.
The establishment of a Love Laverton Focus Group was identified as a key framework for gaining community input. The aim is that focus group consists of key and emerging community representatives that would become a central 'think tank', action group and voice for Laverton. The key focus of the Love Laverton Focus Group is to foster the local energy and leadership within the local community to help deliver the Laverton Vision. They will do this by playing a leading role in supporting, planning and delivering the projects and programs identified in the Laverton Place Guide as well as identify new activities and events that will help to activate key areas in Laverton.
The group will complement other existing groups and will have the opportunity to:
- Explore new ideas and to help identify local priorities, opportunities and precincts for activation including Aviation Road, Railway Avenue, Woods and Lohse Street activity precincts
- Encourage local action for local benefit
- Identify and apply for grants
- Encourage local leadership development
- Promote local activities and market them to increase awareness and participation
The Local Laverton Focus Group will assist to deliver the community's vision for the future outlined in the Better Places Laverton Place Guide.
Take a look at the group's Terms of Reference before registering your interest below!