Assessing the current
provision and utilisation of community facilities and services throughout
Spotswood and South Kingsville. Identifying community demand and priorities for
the future.
Summary of key issues and opportunities gathered to date
There is a variety of smaller community centres and facilities within Spotswood and South Kingsville, but no major community hub or library type facility. The area is catered for through nearby Newport and Altona North facilities, however, local demand for services into the future may require review.
While Scienceworks is not a community facility; there is opportunity to investigate how it may improve its activation and connection to the community.
Spotswood Community House and South Kingsville Community Centre are well used and accommodate a range of community groups and services - current utilisation / capacity and potential for further support / multiple use to be investigated
Slow Food Melbourne operate the local market and there is increasing local interest in food security and demand for community kitchen and garden spaces - explore community benefit from local school community gardens.
Key projects and initiatives
The following projects and initiatives should be considered due to their impact on community facilities and services:
1. Precinct 15 Community Centre
- A community centre will be provided as part of the Precinct 15 development in the future.
- For more information, click here or visit