Identify the issues impacting vehicular access and movement within and around Spotswood and South Kingsville, and develop plans to manage traffic and transport into the future.
Summary of key issues and opportunities gathered to date
Traffic congestion planning is required to address issues at critical connections such as Melbourne Road, The Avenue, and Hudsons Road. Opportunities for change such as road overpass/underpasses of the railway line, signal phasing, and direction limitations should be considered.
There is increasing community concern over heavy vehicle movements, congestion and 'rat-running' in the area. Residential amenity, safety, and character are all affected, making this one of the highest community priorities.
The West Gate Tunnel Projects aims to reduce heavy vehicle activity within the area by providing a new west-bound freeway entry from Simcock Ave along with 24-hour truck bans, both aimed at redirecting heavy vehicle activity.
Another critical project currently underway is the development of a Local Area Management Plan (LAMP). The first stage of the process is to identify and publish the issues in an Issues Document. As part of the Better Places Process, Council is seeking feedback on this document to determine whether any key issues or opportunities have been missed. Feedback received will be incorporated into the draft LAMP as well as inform the Place Guide and Structure Plan.
Other key issues of community concern to be further investigation and addressed include:
- management of increased transport requirements / traffic generated by large precincts proposed for future housing and development
- carparking capacity around key destinations such as the Spotswood Station, Scienceworks and Spotswood Primary School
- opportunities for improvements to the pedestrian, cyclist and public transport network
- future level crossing removals
Key projects and initiatives
The following projects and initiatives should be considered due to their impact over the local vehicular network.
1. Westgate Tunnel Project (WGTP)
- Tunnels work - for more information, visit
- Federation trail - for more information, visit
2. Local Area Movement Plan (LAMP) Issues Paper
- To view a copy of the Background Paper - Spotswood and South Kingsville Local Area Movement Plan, click here or download a copy from the Document Library.