The community engagement process

A four-week consultation period was undertaken from 13 September to 11 October 2023. At the conclusion of the public exhibition period, Participate Hobsons Bay received 909 site visits, 59 completed surveys and 62 contributions to the interactive map.

A further 58 contributions were made during the in person drop-in sessions and an additional eight emailed submissions were received.

Community feedback on the four goals were:

  • Protect – 87.5% strongly agree and 5.36% agree
  • Restore – 80.77% strongly agree and 9.62% agree
  • Engage – 69% strongly agree and 17.86% agree
  • Collaborate - 80% strongly agree and 14.55% agree

The key themes from community feedback related to:

  • cat curfews and domestic animal issues impacting biodiversity
  • increased enforcement and resourcing for grassland protection and domestic animal issues
  • prioritisation of the Environment Significance Overlay (ESO) project and assessment of native grasslands
  • increased native plantings along corridors of significance in both public and private areas

Below is a snapshot of the community engagement activities and promotions

All feedback received during the public exhibition period was considered for inclusion in the updated Biodiversity Strategy.

The key items amended were:

  • strengthened recommendations for domestic animal issues affecting significant biodiversity areas.
  • the inclusion of an action to pursue regular parks enforcement activities to ensure greater protection of biodiversity.
  • strengthened recommendations for native plantings in public and private areas prioritising remnant areas and corridors of significance.
  • a breakdown of Council’s environmental strategies.
  • an overview of National and State legislation and strategies that protect biodiversity.
  • updates to the Biodiversity Significant Areas map.