The Establishment of a Stakeholder Reference Group

Following the consultation of the concept plan for the redevelopment of Brooklyn Community Hall, Council initiated a Stakeholder Reference Group to assist Council in developing and implementing the community’s vision for the Hall. The Stakeholder Reference Group consists of represents from a broad spectrum of the Brooklyn community along with representatives from the Brooklyn Neighbourhood Group, Brooklyn Residents Action Group, Walker Close and Brooklyn Hall Association, Slow Food Melbourne, 3 independent community representatives and Council.

The Stakeholder Reference Group met for the first time in December 2020 and still meets on a monthly basis progressing this work.

The first task of the Stakeholder Reference Group was to develop a vision for the redeveloped Brooklyn Community Hall. This was undertaken through a series of facilitated workshops including a bus tour to various community buildings demonstrating different types of facilities and how different spaces can work.

You can view the Brooklyn Community Hall Visioning document here.

The Vision Statement that the SRG came up with is:

The Brooklyn Community Hall will be the ‘living room’ and ‘heart’ of the local community into the future.

It will be a multi-purpose space that can cater for the diverse range of activities and uses that are needed by the community, but also a place that feels welcoming and relaxed and where local residents can ‘drop by’, meet and catch up. It will embrace and open out onto its park setting, be a hub that promotes local connection and creativity, and place that is easily accessible to the local community by walking, cycling and active transport.

From this position, the SRG has developed and refined the concept plan to the one now on public exhibition for your feedback.