Community consultation occurred between 23 February 2023 and 27th March 2023, for the Hudsons Road streetscape plan

The community engagement process

Below is a snapshot of the community engagement activities and promotions

We asked the community if the design captured the feel they would like to see:

Please note: 34 respondents provided an answer for this question, 0 respondents skipped this question.

The below graph shows the number of votes (either yes or no).

Does the design capture the feel you would like to see?

We asked the community if all future activities and elements they would like to see had been accommodated in the design:

Please note: 34 respondents provided an answer for this question, 0 respondents skipped this question.

The below graph shows the number of votes (either yes or no).

Have all future activities you would like to see been included in the design?

Below is a selection of comments for future activities the community would like to be included.

  • To be able to safely walk from Hudsons rd village across the railway on both sides of the road. Why do we have to walk 20m out of the way to access the pedestrian crossing on hall street? The pedestrian crossing is located too close to the station.

  • Traffic calming, to stop speeding on hudson and hall street and to stop trucks using Hudson road as a thoroughfare. Has any thought been put into the impact of the additional traffic from the mclister street development.

  • More detail and design around traffic calming, for example narrower sections, more detail around raised intersections, and possible islands, chicanes or traffic deterring/pedestrian friendly detail. Places for pedestrians to linger... seating. Greenery.

  • No dedicated bike lanes, pedestrian crossings need to be more prominate and traffic islands used on Hope and Hall Streets to avoid vehicles cutting the corners. These are used as rat runs to avoid lights on Hudsons Road

  • No running buses up Hudsons Road. This road is already over congested and impossible to leave your own driveway before 9am. Hudsons Road on the kingsville side of Melbourne Road is too narrow to run a bus up, especially when there are cars parked.

  • A focus on children, healthy environments for children

  • More traffic calming (get trucks off Hudsons Rd).

  • Water Fountain. Recycling bins. Art sculptures, replace the red pavers which are slippery when wet texture.

  • I would like to see the village area extended.

  • Public Toilets, water fountain, additional car parking, bike rack relocation.

  • Space for community gatherings, eg farmers markets etc. The designs are too generic, with nothing to reflect the heritage of Spotswood, such as the railway works, or the agricultural machinery workshops that were once there.

  • Bicycle lanes. Hudson Rd is an essential route for cyclists travelling from spotswood into work and there should be a bike lane, or at least making sure road width isn't compromised so that cyclists are safe. Extra bike racks would also be fantastic!

We asked the community had we missed anything:

Please note: 29 respondents provided an answer for this question, 5 respondents skipped this question.

The below interactive element shows some highlighted comments received throughout the consultation.