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The Victorian Government has committed $11.3 million towards the Williamstown Swimming and Life Saving Club upgrade. In addition, Hobsons Bay City Council is contributing $3 million towards the delivery of future facilities.

During the first stage of community consultation in late 2023, we received significant interest with more than 1000 contributions across three projects on the Williamstown foreshore during an eight-week consultation period. More than 600 of these responses were for the Williamstown Swimming and Life Saving Club draft concept designs. Click here to view the 'What we heard report' for the Williamstown Swimming and Life Saving Club stage one consultation.

Since the first stage of community consultation, WSLSC has appointed a member’s representative to help consolidate club member feedback. Council officers have held regular meetings with the member’s representative and club committee members to help refine the updated concept design.

Below you will find the updated concept design which reflects club and community feedback gathered from the first stage of consultation, and subsequent meetings with a range of key project stakeholders.

Updated concept design

The updated concept design represents the club and the community's future vision for the site, shaped by your feedback and the input from the club and other stakeholders.

It includes:

  • Retention of the swimming pool
  • Improved storage areas and amenities
  • Retention of Members Lawn
  • Retention of the existing kiosk and public amenities, with provision for additional public amenities.
  • New observation tower, gym, change rooms and meeting spaces
  • New beach access forecourt from the car park
  • Improved landscape and urban design treatments surrounding the site for broader community benefit.

Based on the current cost plan, the full vision for the site cannot be realised within the existing budget. To address this, four value management options have been developed in consultation with club representatives to reduce the scope and align the project with the available funds. Additionally, detailed investigations are underway regarding the existing swimming pool. Any future upgrades to the pool resulting from these investigations will be funded by the club, beyond the scope of the current budget.

What’s changed from the first draft concept design?

The existing swimming pool has been included in the updated concept design. Ongoing assessments will determine the required maintenance or renewal upgrades required to extend the life of the swimming pool.

The Member's Lawn has been retained as well as the existing kiosk and public amenities.

Click on the tabs below to view the updated concept plans for the club and landscape redevelopment.

Club concept plans

Use the arrows to scroll through the concept plans, or click here to download a high quality copy of the plans.

Landscape concept plans

Use the arrows to scroll through the concept plans, or click here to download a high quality copy of the plans.

Value management options

Four value management options have been developed in consultation with club representatives to reduce the scope and align the project with the available funds.

Share your feedback

View the updated concept designs, and then share your feedback with us