Social policy framework

Updating Council’s Social Policy Framework

Council is updating its integrated social policy framework, A Fair Hobsons Bay for All 2019-23.

The policy aims to achieve greater fairness and inclusion for everyone who lives, works, studies, visits and plays in Hobsons Bay by addressing the barriers we face in our everyday lives.

A Fair Hobsons Bay for All supports priority population groups who are more likely to experience disadvantage, including:

  • Children (0-11 years)
  • Young people (12-25 years)
  • Older people (60 years and over)
  • People from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds
  • First Nations Peoples
  • People with a disability
  • Women and girls
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, asexual and gender diverse communities



In 2018, Council conducted a detailed review of its existing population-based social policies, including the Ageing Well Strategy 2007-17, Children and Young People’s Plan 2014-18, Disability Access and Inclusions Strategy 2013-17, Multicultural Policy 2016-20 and Gender Equity Policy Statement 2014.

The review found duplication in themes and actions across the existing social policies. It also found that the development, monitoring and reporting on multiple social policies to be resource intensive, particularly given the number of other plans and strategies across Council. It was recommended to combine these to create Council’s first integrated social policy framework.

A Fair Hobsons Bay 2019-23 was adopted by Council in 2019. It was developed with input from local communities and Council staff, including people from all priority population groups.

The policy is based on the principles of social justice which encompasses equity, access, participation, and human rights. It aims to ensure that equity and fairness are embedded in all of Council’s decisions and activities, including planning and delivering services, programs, and facilities.

A Fair Hobsons Bay for All 2019-23 includes 67 actions, with the vast majority implemented over the past four years. Reporting has occurred via Council’s Annual Reports, with a summary of progress and key achievements published each year.

A copy of A Fair Hobsons Bay for All 2019-23 and summary version are available in the Document Library.


Get involved

Help shape the Council’s updated social policy framework by completing the survey and/or participating in a priority population focus group. You can share your views on the issues that affect you most and tell us about your ideas to help make Hobsons Bay even fairer and more inclusive.

Survey closed

Through this survey, you can share your views on the issues that affect you the most.

Assistance is available to help you complete this survey. Please call 1300 179 944 or email for support or if you have any questions. You may also call the Hobsons Bay Language Line on 9932 1212 for language support, including interpreter services. National Relay Service (NRS) users should phone 133 677 and quote 1300 179 944.