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Why Hobsons Bay?

Access to

✔ skills and technology

✔ consumers and markets

✔ the Metropolitan grid

✔ the port and rail freight infrastructure

✔ expansive open space and bayside lifestyle

✔ excellent retail and entertainment

✔ booming logistics and construction sector


✔ industrial legacy

✔ industry buffers

✔ energy creation, storage and distribution infrastructure

Opportunities for

✔ co-location and businesses supporting one another

✔ supportive land use settings

✔ large self-contained sites

For more information, view the draft Statement of Opportunity below.

Economic Development and Strategic Planning

Economic Development and Strategic Planning

Email or call 1300 179 944

National interpreter symbol

Hobsons Bay Language Line

Free interpreter service for all languages

Call 9932 1212

Interpreter Service

If you are a non-English seaker, you can call Hobsons Bay interpreter service for free on:

9932 1212

Contact Us

Our friendly customer service call centre is open Monday to Friday 8.30am - 5pm to assist with all enquiries

Contact Information
Phone 1300 179 944
Social Links