The consultation period for this project has closed. Construction of Pier Street Stage 4 will commence in the autumn of 2022, date TBC.
Pier Street Stage 4
Pier Street Stage 4 extends from Queen Street down to the Altona Beach. Three concept designs were developed and presented to the community from July 2020 to the end of August 2020 to initiate the conversation about what could be achieved in this section of Pier Street Issues we are trying to address within the concept plans include:
- safe pedestrian access across Queen Street
- safe pedestrian access across the Esplanade
- better provision of pedestrian access along Pier Street including the possible widening of footpaths to accommodate increased pedestrian flows
- better provision of outdoor dining by widening the footpaths - improved pedestrian flows will also be achieved
- the provision of shade along the road by planting canopy trees
- increased parking issues resulting from changes to the footpaths
- drainage assessment to ensure that the works will not impact on the streets capacity to drain (resulting from the widening of the footpaths)
- enhanced streetscape presentation and provision of passive shade
Next steps
You are invited to provide comments or ask questions on the refined concept plan by submitting the survey below.
Taking on board the stakeholder feedback received during the consultation process, Council has now refined the concept plan and will shortly be entering into the detailed design phase. With a view to commence construction of Stage 4 Pier Street over the winter months of 2021. Please click here to view the What We Heard report for Pier Street stage 4.
After consideration of the feedback received during the August 2020 consultation process, the final concept plan for Pier Street Stage 4 has been developed, please click here to see a summary of what is included.
You can view the refined concept plan by clicking here.
What you told us about the concept designs presented for Pier Street Stage 4
Overall concept three was the preferred option by the community with 74.4% of respondents indicating that this was their preferred option. This was backed up by a further 59.64% of respondents indicating that they would like to see a permanent closure of the Esplanade. Comments received by the community were that they love it, that it has a great community feel to it and makes people feel safe within the space.
There is a strong push from the community for this section of Pier Street to have improved connections to beach with a greater focus on pedestrian rather than cars. The increased size of the Weaver Reserve carpark with an entrance from Bent Street and also the widening of footpaths in the preferred concept helps accommodate these improved pedestrian flows. Increase street amenity is also a theme coming through the consultation with the community wanting to see more street trees, more greenery and more shade within the space.
Responses from the Emergency Service Agencies were positive, given that two years’ worth of seasonal closure have occurred with no issue arising from the Esplanade closure. Ambulance Victoria has requested that vehicle access be maintained to the lifesaving club pavilion and Fire Rescue Victoria have requested that vehicle access be maintained to fire hydrants in the area.
The key messages that we heard from the community last year were:
- Concept 3 is the preferred option
- Extend the carpark to Bent Street
- Community support for widening of footpaths
- Drive to make this section pedestrian friendly with a strong focus on giving pedestrians priority in Pier Street
- Increase street amenity using trees and green space
- Mixed responses about car parking with some wanting it maximised, reduced or just increased
- There is growing push for the closure of Pier Street to cars between Queen Street and the Esplanade or the closure of the Esplanade up to Sargood Street.
You can view the What We Heard document from the consultation in the document library or by clicking here.