Green Streets Program
The Green Streets Program is a collaboration between Council and the community to green residential streets through urban design solutions and education.
A 'green street', as defined for this program, is a street that incorporates well designed placement of trees and vegetation. Where the possibility of street redesign is possible, a 'green street' can also include:
- passive storm water filtration solutions
- improved walking and cycling outcomes
- planting of understory to improve biodiversity outcomes where feasible
A well-designed green street can
- cool the environment
- improve streetscape amenity and walkability
- enhance urban biodiversity and provide linkages between pockets of biodiverse areas
- showcase how the city can better adapt to climate change
- increase awareness, knowledge and stewardship about the importance of urban greening within the community
- reduce storm water flows and pollutant levels where installation of water sensitive urban design allows
Check out how the Green Streets Program will run below or click the file in the document library on the right of the screen
Green Streets
Grace Street
Hancock Street
Selection criteria
How will streets be selected to participate in the program?
In 2022, three residential streets will be selected to participate in the Green Streets Program.
Street nominations will be assessed against the following criteria for inclusion in the program:
- Does the street:
- have space to support increased canopy?
- currently have low canopy?
- experience high heat?
- Is the nomination supported by the majority of residents in the street?
- Is there any possible renewal opportunities? (Lagunaria program, streets with short Useful Life Expectancy trees or trees that are underperforming)
- Is the street within top priorities of Tree Canopy Delivery Plan?
- Are there other planned works due to occur in the street such as road or footpath upgrades?
Feasibility will be further determined for short-listed sites based on the following criteria:
- Adequate under and above ground space for increased canopy
- Feasibility and type of wood that could be utilised
- Ground truth planting sites
- Engineering works required (street redesign, kerb outstands, median, trenching, loss of carparks etc)
- Estimated costings